HemoglobinRemoval and Capture
Hasa high degree of specificity for hemoglobin, without cross-reactingwith other proteins or analytes
WholeBlood, Dried Blood Cards (DBS) or Erythrocyte lysates
TissueHomogenates, compatible with RIPAbuffer
Applicationsin analytical interferences, enzyme monitoring, proteomics
Over30 citations including analysis in cellularthermal shift assay (CETSA), LC-MS proteomics, Hemoglobinderivatives, Western blot, enzyme activity, ELISA
Relatedproduct NuGel™HemogloBind™ comes in a dry powder format,compatible with high throughput 96-well automation, seehttps://www.biotechsupportgroup.com/NuGel-HemogloBind-Hemoglobin-Capture-Reagent-p/np-ho.htm
Poly-electrolytesare polymers with repeating units of stationary charges. HemogloBind™ is derived from insoluble elastomericpoly-electrolytes that bind proteins through an empirically derivedchemistry combining elements of polymer composition, andcross-linking architecture. As with bio-polymers like DNA andHeparin, governing their reactivity is the spatial presentation ofelectrostatic groups along a flexible polymer chain.
HemogloBind™does not cross react with most common serum components, making it anexcellent tool in numerous applications. These include analyticalprotocols where optical interference is problematic. Hemoglobinvariants, as in thalassemia, bind with differential affinity towardsHemogloBind™, though this has not been fully evaluated. Forpurification and/or analysis of hemoglobin, a modest elevation in pHwill facilitate desorption from the polymer.